Mass recruitment

The mass recruitment service involves hiring a large number of employees in a short time. Mostly companies use this service for recruiting large numbers of line personnel, in case of opening branches or in case of rapid business expansion, or in the case of recruiting personnel for seasonal work.

Sequence of actions for mass selection:

  • Coordination of the number of required vacancies and requirements for the candidate
  • Project cost estimation and contract conclusion
  • Carrying out the initial selection of candidates according to the agreed requirements
  • Interviewing potential candidates
  • Closing the required number of vacancies

Mass recruitment methods:

  • Resume selection — preparation of a list of potential candidates.
  • Individual interviews by phone — clarification of data, work experience, availability of skills, competencies.
  • Group interviews — conducting a mass survey of candidates to increase the rate of filling vacancies.
  • Online testing is the passing of specially created tests by candidates to confirm the availability of the necessary skills and competencies.
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